Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Spring Writing!

We were learning to write about what are the best features of spring are to us using level 3 vocabulary. I am learning to write a paragraph using a topic sentence, supporting details and a conclusion. We were focusing on our paragraph writing and thinking about our word choice.

I found it  easy to insert my picture into my slide, and I also found it easy to write about my favourite parts of spring. I love spring because it's like all seasons in one. 

I found it hard to find synonyms for words like come out, and starts to, but I used an online thesaurus to help me find different words. I also found it hard to use different sentence starters because I used the as a sentence started twice but I had to change one of them.

 Next time I will try and add more level 3 adjectives so I can extend my vocabulary and so I can be on a higher level for writing. 


Wednesday, September 16, 2020

My sunflower research question!


We were learning about sunflowers and we had to come up with a sunflower research question to do. My learning shows that I answered my research question and I now know how much water a sunflower seed needs daily. I found it hard to come up with a research question to do. I found it easy to find the answer to my question. Next time I will come up with a harder question to answer.

Dodge Rush!


We were learning to write instructions about a game we created. I merged Dodge ball and Ball rush together because those are my favourite games. I found it easy to choose a game to invent because I could use my two favourite games. I found it hard to write the rules and instructions to my game. Next time I will add more specific instructions to my writing.

Friday, September 4, 2020

Simplifying math



We were learning to simplify fractions and do other maths activities. I found it easy to do protect maths and do the first slide. I found it hard to do simplifying until I understood how to do it.  Next time I will start doing harder simplifying fractions to get better.

Thursday, September 3, 2020

Instructional writing


We were learning to write instructions and I choose to do how to feed your dog.  I found it easy to write the instructions because I have a dog that I feed so I know what to do. I found it hard to choose what to write my instructions about until I decided to do how to feed your dog. Next time I need to add more detail.

Have a heart Powtoon


We were learning to make a Powtoon about REACH Values and I did Have a heart. I found it easy to choose what my Powtoon should be about.  I found it hard to make the characters around until I got the hang of it.  Next time I will add more slides and make my Powtoon more detailed