Monday, November 9, 2020

What causes Lightning?


In Week 2 of Term 4 we were learning how to write Explanation writing. Explanation writing is when you are teaching the reader about how something works, or why something happens. We had a choice of what to write about, and I  choose what causes lightning. We had to do researcher notes, planning, diagrams, and finally we had to write it. Once we finished, we had to create a DLO ( digital learning object ) to teach someone about our writing.

I found it easy to get my information about what causes lightning because there was a website that had all the information I needed. I also found it easy to do the writing because I could just copy and paste it from the planning sheet.

I found it challenging to do the diagrams because we had to do them from scratch. At first I found it hard to represent warm air and cold air, but then I decided to do Red for warm air, and Blue for cold air. It was quite challenging to make everything fit into the slide, but I got it to work.

I really enjoyed learning new information about lightning  and what causes it. In the end, I really enjoyed making the diagrams, because I could bring out my creative side!

I was learning to be a researcher. To be a researcher, I had to organise the data I gathered and choose the right source of information I needed. 

Next time I might make the diagrams a little more clear. I had to use words to show some images, because otherwise the reader might not understand. I think I could add more detail the writing next time, and maybe use a different setup on the slide, so I can fit more detail in. I really enjoyed doing this writing and I would be happy to pick a different topic next time! 

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

France DLO


In the first week of Term 4 Room 9 and 10 got a surprise parcel sent to us.  Nobody knew what it was about so we opened it up! There were letters from children all around the world. We got into partners of 2 and read the letter. My buddy and I got a letter from France. We learnt about what they do at school and completed a worksheet about it. Once we finished that we had to make a slide teaching other people about the country. 

I learnt how to use audio recorder and how to insert it on a slide. Audio recorder help the reader if they don't know the word.  I also learnt about a DLO (Digital learning object) and how they can teach other people about things. I learnt how to insert a link onto an image. To do that, you have to find a page, and you need to copy the URL link at the top. Then you use the paper clip and copy and paste it.

I found it easy to use the Voice Recorder because it was really simple, and only had Two buttons, which were start and stop. I also found it easy to insert images because I already know how to do that. 

At first I found it challenging to insert a link onto an image because I didn't know how to, but then the teachers showed us and it made it a lot less challenging. Another thing I found challenging was trying to fit everything into the slide because there was a lot of information.

I really enjoyed using the audio because it was fun to explore the new app! I also enjoyed learning about Bastille Day which is France's National day. 

I was learning to be a collaborator, because I had to work with a buddy. To be a collaborator, I need to do my fair share, and contribute ideas and suggestions to the group. 

Next time I might add more detail to my slides and try and add more interesting facts about France. I would definitely like to do this with a different country! 

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Online Conversations!


Online Conversations!

 We were learning to use book creator to write a story about good and bad conversations. We were also noticing what makes a good conversation. In a good conversation you ask  questions because asking questions helps keep the conversation going.

I found it easy to create the audio because I knew what I was going to say. I also found it easy to insert my backgrounds and insert text boxes and emojis.

I found it hard to choose what the conversation would be about because  I didn't know what I should say for the bad conversation. I also found it a little bit hard to insert images at the start because I didn't know how to but then I got the hang of it.

I enjoyed discovering this new website because I've never used it before. I also enjoyed making different backgrounds and making the text boxes different colours and fonts.

 Next time I might use different comic strips so I can add more detail and have a longer conversation.

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Spring Writing!

We were learning to write about what are the best features of spring are to us using level 3 vocabulary. I am learning to write a paragraph using a topic sentence, supporting details and a conclusion. We were focusing on our paragraph writing and thinking about our word choice.

I found it  easy to insert my picture into my slide, and I also found it easy to write about my favourite parts of spring. I love spring because it's like all seasons in one. 

I found it hard to find synonyms for words like come out, and starts to, but I used an online thesaurus to help me find different words. I also found it hard to use different sentence starters because I used the as a sentence started twice but I had to change one of them.

 Next time I will try and add more level 3 adjectives so I can extend my vocabulary and so I can be on a higher level for writing. 


Wednesday, September 16, 2020

My sunflower research question!


We were learning about sunflowers and we had to come up with a sunflower research question to do. My learning shows that I answered my research question and I now know how much water a sunflower seed needs daily. I found it hard to come up with a research question to do. I found it easy to find the answer to my question. Next time I will come up with a harder question to answer.

Dodge Rush!


We were learning to write instructions about a game we created. I merged Dodge ball and Ball rush together because those are my favourite games. I found it easy to choose a game to invent because I could use my two favourite games. I found it hard to write the rules and instructions to my game. Next time I will add more specific instructions to my writing.

Friday, September 4, 2020

Simplifying math



We were learning to simplify fractions and do other maths activities. I found it easy to do protect maths and do the first slide. I found it hard to do simplifying until I understood how to do it.  Next time I will start doing harder simplifying fractions to get better.

Thursday, September 3, 2020

Instructional writing


We were learning to write instructions and I choose to do how to feed your dog.  I found it easy to write the instructions because I have a dog that I feed so I know what to do. I found it hard to choose what to write my instructions about until I decided to do how to feed your dog. Next time I need to add more detail.

Have a heart Powtoon


We were learning to make a Powtoon about REACH Values and I did Have a heart. I found it easy to choose what my Powtoon should be about.  I found it hard to make the characters around until I got the hang of it.  Next time I will add more slides and make my Powtoon more detailed

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Cybersmart Blog comments!


We were learning how to make a quality blog comment so we can make good comments on other people's blog. I found it easy to drag and drop the sentence starters onto the fridge. At first I found it challenging to find somebody's blog to comment on because they were all so good! Eventually I found one though. I enjoyed looking at people's blogs to see what I could comment on.  Next time I might do someone else's blog so I don't just do one persons!

Friday, August 14, 2020

My Dog Report

We were learning to do a report about an animal. I chose a dog because they are my favourite animal, and because I know alot about them. My learning shows that I wrote a report and published it onto Google slides! I found it easy to copy and paste the writing from Google Docs to Google slides. I found it hard to come up with different backgrounds. 

Thursday, August 13, 2020

My blog tour with Screencastify!


Welcome to my blog tour!! This is showing you around my blog and what posts I've done. I hope you enjoy it and like my blog!

Thursday, August 6, 2020

My Recipe Reading Comprehension!!

We were learning to answer questions about the recipe in detail. My learning shows how I can answer questions by reading the recipes.  I found it hard to read the recipe then go all the way back to the slide over and over because it was a little bit annoying. I found it easy to answer the questions. Next time I need be more detailed.

Thursday, June 25, 2020

My speech with screencastify 2020

We were learning to put our speech on slides and make a screencastify. This was my first time using screencastify and I found it hard to use it the first time, but after awhile I got use to it. I found it easy to find pictures that match my speech. I really enjoyed making gradients for the background and using the screencastify. Next time I need to learn how to use this cool app better!! 

Thursday, June 18, 2020

My Lockdown Diary

We are learning to write a diary over the course of lockdown. In this slide we were 
writing about what we were looking forward to when life  became back to normal.  I enjoyed doing this because I got to learn how to use scribble and curve. I found it easy to write about what I was looking forward to because there were so many things!! I found it hard to decorate it. 

Digital me!

We were learning to use polyline and curve to make a digital version of ourselves. I found it easy to do the outlines of my face. I found it hard to do my hair, and also to use shading to make it look more realistic. I really enjoyed using different custom colours to make it look like my hair colour, or my skin tone. Next time I will try and add more detail to my hair and hoodie. 

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

If I were a tree in Autumn writing!


My learning shows how I can describe the fall/autumn season as if  were a tree during the fall/autumn season. We were learning to use describing words.  I found it easy to write about if I were a tree. I found it hard to not always use the same word in sentences. I really enjoyed using describing words. Next time I need to do more learning the first time instead of doing it over again to get more description, which is what I did. 

Friday, May 22, 2020

My Reading Inferences

We are learning to Inference on pictures on little paragraphs. Inferencing is when you look for clues in picture or in words. My learning shows how that I now know how to Inference. I found it easy to Inference because I'm good at reading. At first I found it hard because I didn't know how to take a screenshot, but then someone taught me how to do it and now I know how to! I really enjoyed making the slides look pretty and presentable. 

Thursday, May 21, 2020

My Dodo Collage!

We were learning to create a collage for an extinct animal on Google Drawings.  My learning shows how I can use the explore button for different shapes, textures, and colours. I really enjoyed this because I got to learn how to use Google Drawings differently and use textures. I found this easy because I got the hang of it the more I did. Next time I will work faster to get more of a collage!